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Научные журналы

International Social and Humanities Studies — HUMANUM ISSN 1898-8431 (ISSN 2450-0313), 7 ranking points on the ranking list of journals issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (List B No. 992).


HUMANUM is a peer-reviewed and points-awarded scientific journal published as a quarterly, which publishes scientific articles covering the issues of social sciences and humanities in various congress languages in cooperation with scientific centres from Poland and abroad.

European Social and Humanities Studies — PROSOPON (ISSN 1730-0266) ISSN 1730-0266 (ISSN 450-033X), 6 ranking points on the ranking list of journals issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (List B No. 1356).



PROSOPON is a peer-reviewed and points-awarded scientific journal published as a quarterly, which publishes scientific articles covering the issues of social sciences and humanities in various congress languages in cooperation with scientific centres from Poland and abroad.

International Studies in Humanities — SOCIETY AND EDUCATION ISSN 1898-0171 (ISSN 2450-0356), 7 ranking points on the ranking list of journals issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (List B No. 1667).



SOCIETY AND EDUCATION is a peer-reviewed and points-awarded scientific journal published as a quarterly by the Institute of International Studies and Education — Humanum in Warsaw, International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov, Slovakia, and Kyiv National University of Technologies and Arts in Kiev, Ukraine, in which scientific articles covering the issues of humanities are published in cooperation with scientific centres from Poland and abroad.

LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION ISSN 2084-5111, 5 ranking points on the ranking list of journals issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (List B No. 1000).


LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION is a specialized, peer-reviewed and points-awarded scientific journal addressing the role of languages in communication. Various analyses and research presented in the journal refer to the cognitive, structural and style-linguistic aspects of communication events occurring in the public space. The journal also addresses the issues of non-verbal communication.